2021 marks the 25th anniversary of Bend Press. They were “unofficially” born in 1986 with the publication of RIP, a zine featuring punk rock, skateboarding. The name morphed to BEND PRESS with the release of issue #02 later that year. Originally donning themselves “The World’s Smallest Press,” Bend, slowly bending, what they now consider “The World’s Smallest Something.” With an in-house staff of 2, co-founders Mel Bend and Andy Jenkins, Bend has the enviable luxury of working spontaneously, delving into several creative domains (at times to a fault, says Jenkins) that compliment their publishing, including audio recordings, Bend11, art exhibitions, Bend26, comics, Bend10, creative services and more. Branching out has given them several opportunities to work with, collaborate, and champion, a diverse, multi-media, group of artists… the B Team. Their touch stone.
- Carl Sanger, Director of Diurnal Drawings
Note: “In early 2020, our web host died overnight, without warning, taking our website with them. Our bad for not backing up the site. After 25 years, we’re looking to 2021 as a new beginning of our online presence. Please be patient as we add more and more content to Thank you for all the support over the years.”
-Andy Jenkins, co-founder
Illustration above by travis millard, from Bend 25, "What Happened"